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Westminster To Covent Garden
A 1000 years of war, politics and other debauchery
Meeting point outside churchill statue, parliament square sw1 3bd nearest train and tube: westminster
From the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Palace of Westminster to Covent Garden. In this walk we will see over a thousand years of history from the Tudors to the Edwardians, as we cut through the heart of Whitehall.
We will see where King Charles I was executed. Where some of the Gunpowder plotters met their fate, and why there was no such thing as ‘Rest In Peace’ for Oliver Cromwell. We will pass Downing Street and Banqueting House. We will see where Henry VIII jousted in Horse Guards parade and the last remnants of Whitehall Palace. We will then walk through Trafalgar Square and finish in Covent Garden, which in the 18th and 19th Century was a place of poverty, crime and debauchery.

Duration of walk: 2 hours

Price: £10 per person

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